
Colors and patterns for body type

Colors and patterns for body type

Learn how to play with the proportions, if you want to conquer your own style of dress. The focus should be on using colors and patterns for body type advantage.

It is huge the trendy clothes variety and may confuse those who do not know what are looking for or feel insecure, about what gets them well, or is not self-sufficient to opt firmly.

Now let us move to the rules of this important colors and patterns wear game.


The colors contribute to disguise the imperfections and enhance the positive points.

It’s always worth remembering color contrast can be dangerous, if the problem is the structure. Short people, should avoid “to cut” the silhouette in the middle, wearing for this a white shirt with black pants, or even, to stop a single color with a contrasting belt.


All patterned fabrics call for special attention, especially for those with extreme silhouettes, i.e., for overweight, low and taller women.

If your body type fits in some of the three mentioned, know that the fabrics exaggeration, with large patterns and color contrast, further enhance these characteristics.

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